Thursday, July 22, 2021

On Being A Woman

Being female in a still quite misogynist world is hard
When you're young, virgin, and still beautiful everybody want to use, taste, try, control, destroy, or exploit you
When you're getting more mature you should keep asking yourself am I still eligible for marriage? Am I still okay for job/studying opportunity? Bcs after men trying hard to suck your soul on your youth they want to dispose you and discriminate you once you getting older (truth, imagine building career or being called success as a woman after married/have children/senior age, society only love babies and young women and men)

So it's like I'm living in a world where female should race with time so they don't get expired from being exploited in domestic/household sets or workforce/labor while still recovering from being harassed and pressured... Once you pass youth seems like it's a need to earn respect, never ask moreover beg for love

It must be hard being called expired milk when you are aging, but whether you like it or not, there's a little truth in it... So accept it, adapt with it. Be independent moreover when you should, spoil your self, love and appreciate yourself. My other advices for myself first of course after this past few years:
Be kind to your fans but it's okay if deep inside you're sometimes annoyed but still be kind for the sake of Allah SWT only even when they breach your private boundaries, they make you feel like commodity (no, not a muse, not an inspiration), they don't ask permission and give you credit, never ask first, never appreciate you... Bcs you only have responsibility with yourself moreover if you're still so young and single without many attributes.
Don't waste your time, be busy. Kalo kemarin gua baca Buya Hamka, berilah pekerjaan pada orang yang sibuk, org yg sibuk akan memaksimalkan waktu dan usahanya, sedangkan orang yang malas bahkan sampai nanti-nanti jg blm tentu akan selesai.
Choose your close friends wisely, kalau kutipan Imam Ghazali waktu itu, teman sejatimu adalah Allah baik ketika duduk, ketika berdiri, ketika tidur, ketika melakukan perjalanan... Luangkanlah waktu untuk berkhalwat dgn Allah, apabila kamu terlalai dari itu, waspadalah...

Tafsir Al-Azhar
Bidayatul Hidayah

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.