Sunday, July 28, 2013


Too often sacrificing not always good.
Sometimes you hurt someone.
The one who always fights for you.
The one who wants to be with you, who always wants to be your best friend.
Finally, that person will believe however he/she try to hold you... the thing is you don't have any urge to hold her/him back.
You don't really need people.
You really hurt them who try really hard... fight for your own sake... but you just like "It's okay I won't take part."

People use drug, left by the one they love, bullied, see their parents fight everyday, etc and every-time they just like "It's okay. I resign." "I can't. I won't go.. I won't try." "I'm alone."

Friday, July 26, 2013

Random Post about 3 Great Woman

Jadi di malam sabtu yang lengang ini *halah* dimulai dari tadi sore baca mengenai freeport berserta berbagai konspirasinya di sini: Konspirasi JF.Kennedy, Sukarno, Suharto, CIA dan Freeport
gua kembali terkagum-kagum sama soekarno... dan ngenes akan Indonesia.

You know what? Tembagapura itu gunungnya isi emas ya, dan di rampok seenaknya ya.. udah lah jangan ngomongin ini, sakit hati deh.

Dan malemnya gua teringat guru sejarah gua pas SMA ngomongin soekarno sama marilyn monroe...

Voila! Tiba-tiba gua berada di page Foto-foto presiden soekarno yang luar biasa.
Cantik nggaaak?

#1 Marilyn Monroe
Sejujurnya gua sedih ngeliat cewe cantik satu ini... dia "dipake" gitu... sebagai "alat"... tapi dia itu menurut gua berhati kuat... ngerti nggak maksud gua? Pokoknya lawannya berhati lemah lah... ngerti lah ya... begitulah yang gua fikirkan setelah baca quote-nya (Marilyn Monroe Quotes - Goodreads)
Ternyata... dia tipe insecure.. mirip lah mbaknya sama gua... nilai plus deh. Pokoknya baca quote2 dia, inside... kita tuh mirip lhoh. Dan quote terakhirnya di page itu... “Dogs never bite me. Just humans.”
Yeah... made me sad but life must go on. I love those girls who have many thoughts, who experience many hurts, but their smile still awesome.
She was found dead in a bedroom, her death so mysterious.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Rule of Dreaming? and Success...

Do you have a rule of dreaming?

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

My Summary:

Part A
1) Ask
2) Believe
3) Receive

Part B
1. Gratitude
2. Vision
3. Be Positive

I also ever read--just a glance--a book by someone about build your dream
1) You need to write your dreams
2) Make your 'dream ladder'... it's just like steps to go there
3) Check your progress

You know? I'm the kind of read-the-instruction-before-use-a-tool person... I observe more when I have to decide something... So it's quite interesting when people who reach their dreams tell their story how to go there... How about you? Do you have a rule of dreaming or key to success?

But actually I can get a conclusion that if you have a dream you need to believe your dream, you really have to not letting any space for doubt or hesitation.

Or if your dream quite absurd you really need something we call hard work, in your own way to go there may be it won't be easy... but your experience will make your success more last longer, stable and you can face many obstacle more easily. Because everything instant is okay but not better than something with long process before ready to be served.

and, remember this statement: "If you really want it, you really can achieve it. If you can't achieve it, may be not yet... or you don't really want it, there's something more."

another statement, my old tweet:  "It's not about your dream. It's about how you execute your dream." :') --

The lovely fact is... sometimes some success people didn't realize when they've done a kind of hard work. They don't know or may be don't have time to think that they are hard workers. They focusing on what they want. When it comes to work they thing "It's just something I really love.."; "Something, I enjoy in it."; "It's just something that I need to pursue.." or "It's just something that have to be done."
And suddenly, even before they recognize it, they already got something that people used to call "success".


Saturday, July 6, 2013

We are floating...

Sometimes we good at something we don't want
And, we just can do nothing with something we really like
And in the end we do something we don't really like nor we do really like

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Antara Kepo dan Peduli

Jika kita berbicara tentang cerita pasti identik dengan penyimak.

Teman, kali ini saya ingin mengingatkan sedikit (satu poin saja) mengenai kepada-siapa-anda-bercerita baik itu cerita bahagia atau pun problem anda. Intinya berceritalah kepada orang yang kira-kira peduli dengan Anda. Jangan buang-buang waktu anda bercerita kepada orang yang hanya ingin tahu tapi tidak peduli.

Orang yang tidak Anda kenal, yang Anda temui begitu saja di suatu perjalanan, bisa saja peduli. Tapi teman sendiri malah terkadang hanya sekedar ingin tahu. Ada juga sahabat yang ingin tahu + peduli. Dan ada juga keluarga yang mereka sangat peduli pada Anda, tapi Anda bercerita ataupun tidak mereka sama sekali tidak mempermasalahkan itu, itu hak Anda sepenuhnya, jika sudah sedekat ini dengan seseorang, bahkan sebelum bercerita, mereka sudah mengerti apa yang sedang Anda rasakan, terkadang kalian hanya perlu menangis di bahu mereka tanpa perlu panjang lebar bercerita.

Yang terakhir, bahkan sebelum Anda menangis Ia sudah tahu segalanya, Anda hanya perlu percaya. Dia lah Tuhan Anda. Pencipta diri Anda, termasuk pencipta hati Anda.

About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.