Thursday, December 4, 2014

Future Hopes

I finished watching Reply 1997 yesterday.

I love this drama, this drama surely make us recall our memories. It's also touching. One of my favorite episode is the 7th episode. It's about our hopes and dreams.

The story take place in a high school. In the last grade, when the students have to tell their teacher how their future will be... and their teacher will recommend the best career or college for them...

Tae Woong (Teacher):
When we're talking about future dreams that eventually means what you will do for a living.
You will become an adult soon, but if you waste time and money for an empty dream, then who would take responsibility for that?
That's why people need to be satisfied by the dreams which are near you.
Even if you covet some far-away dreams, it just makes you upset and sad.
A passion without answers...that's only heartbreaking.
That's why people say the stupidest thing in the world is  an unrequited love.
Rather than meeting someone I like, if you meet a person who likes you, you wouldn't have to be heartbroken, or waste your time.
Rather than doing what you want to do, let's try to find something you'll be able to do.
You have only one life, right?
But, the reason that stupid one-sided love is worth trying is... 
...that passion can sometimes make miracles happen...
...sometimes go the long way around to help you fulfill a dream...
...and even if it doesn't allow you to realize that dream, it allows you to linger near it...
and find happiness.

This drama is worth watching :')


#: choose college, memilih kuliah, menentukan karir, career path, dreams, hopes, future

Sunday, November 9, 2014





And play it cool


Dreams are choking me now, it doesn't mean I don't dare to dream anymore. It's just... enough! Get a life, dear... me :')

The biggest problem of mine is: I don't dare to decide. I'm a slow decision-maker. So, before deciding something I would like to weigh many options... and sometime it leads me to be overthinker. What would I become? What I want to be? Which one is better for me? Then... time's up! And after decision making, yep I was never satisfied... I dream and I wish something bigger, something that I don't choose, something that anyone else choose except me. But hey! In fact, my decision isn't that bad. I need to change. To be more thankful, to be more effective and efficient.

Then I read it:
Two types of decision-makers: Satisficers are those who make a decision or take action once their criteria are met. That doesn’t mean they’ll settle for mediocrity; their criteria can be very high; but as soon as they find the car, the hotel, or the pasta sauce that has the qualities they want, they’re satisfied. 
Maximizers want to make the optimal decision. So even if they see a bicycle or a photographer that would seem to meet their requirements, they can’t make a decision until after they’ve examined every option, so they know they’re making the best possible choice…In a fascinating book, The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz argues that satisficers tend to be happier than maximizers. Maximizers must spend a lot more time and energy to reach a decision, and they’re often anxious about whether they are, in fact, making the best choice. 
— Gretchen Rubin
Don't Overthink It: 5 Tips for Daily Decision-Making

So I think, I need criteria or target, then choose and finish what I have to finish. Be thankful. Believe in myself.

Rum, you need to get things done, for your own good, don't just float in space without any purpose or destination.

I'm a dreamer, forever and always. But I have to turn some "I wish" into "I will". Turn dream into reality.

Bismillah :)

Korea Update: It's Okay That's Love & Winner

Baru beres nonton drama korea!!! Judulnya It's Okay That's Love atau Gwaenchana Sarangiya, yang main bagus-bagus, scriptnya bagus, musiknya bagus, bagus! pokoknya bagus.

Suka Kwang Soo

Suka Jo In Sung

Suka semuaaaaa

Sedih, lucu, aneh, hhu sukaaaa masih ga percaya udah beres... Ceritanya tentang psikiater wanita dengan penulis romance thriller pria (yang ganteng! serius, demi, beneran, nggak boong) mereka saling menyingkap dan menyembuhkan trauma masa kecil satu sama lain *haish*

Banyak life quotes juga di sini, secara cowonya penulis.

Dan yang gue suka di drama ini baik cowo maupun cewenya sama-sama apa adanya gitu, ada part mereka telponan terus bilang 'jangan tanya abis makan apa. bukan gue bgt' trs dibales sama pasangannya 'iya sama' hahaha trs nutup telpon deh, trs cewenya bilang 'ini gue bgt, simpel tapi manis' aaaaaaaak <3

Winneeeeeeer! Ini sekelompok pria-pria musisi baru debut dari kerajaan YG dan keren bangeeeet!

Ganteng-ganteng, pinter-pinter (pinter nyanyi, dance, bikin lagu, dll), keren-keren awawaw

GIMANAAAAA? Ketjeeeee kaaaan? Lagunya nggak cuman satu yang enak tapi satu album enak semua juga :') seneng deh.

Happy Listening!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Love is Cure

Buka twitter dan nggak sengaja baca ini…
@infoLengkap: Menikah lebih baik dari kemoterapi dalam meningkatkan peluang penderita kanker untuk bertahan hidup. [Journal of Clinical Oncology]
Trs kepo deh nyari jurnalnya di google dan ketemu abstraknya: (yg males baca bisa lsg ke bawah aja ya)
Marital Status and Survival in Patients With Cancer
© 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
– Married patients were less likely to present with metastatic disease (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.83; 95% CI, 0.82 to 0.84; P < .001),
– more likely to receive definitive therapy (adjusted OR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.51 to 1.56; P < .001),
– and less likely to die as a result of their cancer after adjusting for demographics, stage, and treatment (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.79 to 0.81; P < .001) than unmarried patients.
– These associations remained significant when each individual cancer was analyzed (P < .05 for all end points for each malignancy).
– The benefit associated with marriage was greater in males than females for all outcome measures analyzed (P < .001 in all cases)
Artinya org yg menikah lebih jarang ditemui metastatis disease (penyebaran penyakitnya), lebih mau dikasih terapi, trs jd lebih bertahan dan bisa disembuhkan deh (tp sepertinya, maksud sembuh ini buat bbrp penyakit yg mungkin diangkat sblm terlambat), DAN efek ‘pernikahan’ ini lebih besar ditemuin di laki2. Jadi, laki2 yg udh nikah lebih mending gtu penyakitnya… apakah ini artinya cewe lebih pasrah? Apa gmn?
Yang pasti ini bukti tambahan kalo org sakit itu butuh cinta dan kasih sayang azek… kebiasaan gue kalo nggak enak badan adalah pulang, ketemu nyokap bokap… gue kira orangtua gue handal dalam memilih obat, soalnya kalo gue beli sendiri efeknya kecil, tapi kayanya krn obat dr ortu itu dikasihnya plus kasih sayang jd lebih manjur hahaha. Kata dokter di emergency couple juga “bersama org yg dicintai lebih baik dr obat” ya tp kalo sakit dan ga bisa pulang, mau nggak mau paling inget2 aja harus sembuh demi ortu.
Semoga bermanfaat, dan sehat selalu! Tp kalo org yg kita cintai pergi hrs kuat ya habibie aja bsa bertahan sampe hari ini 🙂

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Aksi Reaksi

Hari ini di grup rumah sejahtera bahagia sentausa ada yg ngeshare meme hukum newton… trs gue kepo dan nemu post “filosofi kehidupan dari hukum fisika”
Yang favorit gue adalah newton’s third law, yaitu F aksi= -F reaksi
Menurut kalian apa?
Artinya ya setiap aksi dr dalam diri kita ke luar sana… ada reaksi yg besarnya sama dengan arah yg berlawanan (berlawanan arah maksudnya: ada reaksi dari luar ke kita gtu, krn minus di atas besaran vektor bukan skalar, bukan kalo kita ngasih aksi positif maka bakal dpt reaksi negatif, bukan bukan)
Mungkin contohnya kalo lu ngasih sedekah, pemasukkan lu nambah
Kalo lu ngasih cinta (azek) lu bakal dpt cinta
“Seorang mukmin adalah cermin bagi mukmin lainnya. Apabila melihat aib padanya, dia segera memperbaikinya.” (Al-Bukhari)
Semoga Allah membantu kita dalam memperbaikki diri, dari hari ke hari 🙂

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Katanya kalo yakin bisa. Tp kadang ada hal2 yg bikin nggak yakin. Kadang ada hal2 yg bikin putus asa. Kadang rasa takut dan tekanan lebih besar dari keyakinan.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pahitnya Kuliah

Haloooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Apa kabaaaaaaar????? Udah lama nggak ngeblog, ah jadi nervous nih. Hahahahaaalaaaay.

Jadi gimana hidup gue akhir-akhir ini?
Parah ih kuliah itu parah, rasanya kaya naik ontang-anting di dufan. Kadang lu di atas, tau-tau lu di bawah, tau-tau lu masuk angin aja dah nggak enak badan.

Ini seriusan tapiiiiiiiiiiiii. Salut buat orang-orang yang kuliah tapi nggak pernah sakit. Ah nggak mungkin tapi ah. Kuliah itu rasanya nggak jelas banget, sehari bikin lu berkhayal suatu saat nanti bakal menghasilkan riset yang mengagumkan, macam B. J. Habibie, dikenal sebagai manusia biasa dari negeri antah-berantah tapi pinter dan ilmunya terkenal melanglang buana kemana-mana, tapi sehari kemudian lu pengin buruan lulus aja pokoknya.

Biar gue kasih tau yang paling penting dari kuliah adalah, lu mulai belajar soal kenyataan. PAHIT.

Kenapa pahit? soalnya IP gue PHP, di awal bagus eh ke sini-sini turun, kan pahit ya? Terus ada kabar yang menjatakan segalanya akan lebih baik, IP akan naik... tapi itu semua berat broooo. Satu aja nilai yang jelek IP lu anjlok kaya jembatan comal. Satu jembatan tapi efeknya sepanjang pantura macet. Ah gue bete pokoknyaaaa... rasanya pengen nyemilin transkrip nilai, sobek aja, hilangkan barang bukti sesegera mungkin.

Terus gue juga nyobain nyari beasiswa, tapi berat juga ah bete.

Terus gue nyobain ikut lomba, terus kalah, terus gue bete.

Terus gue nyobain ikut kepanitiaan, pusingnya nggak ketulungan.

Paraaaaaaah laaaaah kuliaaaaaah, paraaaaaaaaaaah. Tapi sungguh Tuhan gue bersyukur bisa merasakan ini semua, kapan lagi?

Hidup gue sebagai mahasiswa nggak lama lagi, bukan sakit kaya di sinetron-sinetron, tapi karena gue nggak pengin kuliah lama-lama (ya iyalah amit-amit) gue harus bisa maksimal di bogor, belajar yang bener, mungkin hidup nggak sempurna, tapi hidup itu Indah, selalu ada yang bisa disyukuri, pokoknya seancur apapun hati gue menghadapi kenyataan, harus tetep semangat! Udah ya sayang temu kangen sama blog-nya, mau lanjut hidup lagi nih... dadah mwach.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mimpi Serem

Nggak tau tadi atau kemaren atau kemarennya lagi, aku mimpi serem banget. Mimpinya udah lupa. Tapi seremnya masih kebayang.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

When you don't know what you want...

At least do something!

Pun kalo lu tetep nggak nemuin apa yang lu pengen, at least seringkali lu bakal tau lho apa yang nggak lu pengen setelah lu ngelakuin sesuatu itu. Life is a journey, you don't get to a conclusion instanly. Kalo iya, ya nggak seru, ya nggak?

"...So when you have finished, then stand up..." Ash-Sharĥ (The Relief)

Kalo udh selesai, tetep lakuin sesuatu, gua tertohok karena selama ini cuman mikir gimana jd lebih produktif? Yaelah lakuin aja sesuatu jangan cuman mikir, mikir itu penting, tapi mikir doang sambil diem kelamaan itu nggak bagus, dan GUE! adalah salah satu bukti, salah satu korbannya, YA kebanyakan mikir nggak ada aksi sangaaaat sangat tidak bagus.

Kalo-kalo nih yaini kemungkinan terburuk ajakalopun apa yang lu lakuin selama ini bukan yang lu mau dan lu nggak sadar-sadar... ketika lu sadar! Maaaasih banyak waktu buat lo! Buat ngejar apa yang lu bener-bener mau. Simpel ajalah rum, nggak usah dibikin ribet-ribet. Ayolah bergerak, makan yang sehat, hidup sehat, banyak ibadah, banyak menghasilkan karya, jangan idle selamanya ketika waktu nggak pernah berhenti.

"For a believer, dunia ini hanya sekejap mata. And the hereafter? Eternal!" Anonimus

Agak ngeri sih kalo baca kata-kata itu tapi emang bener... gimana dong? Tapi mau lu takut, sedih, seneng, bingung, atau apalah, berdoalah. Bener banget. Kita tuh cuma numpang di bumI ini, sebentar pula. Yaaa back to the topik, tapinya kita semua itu unik, kita semua punya takdir pun nasib, pernah denger ini nggak sih?

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." Charles R Swindoll



Tangsel, 01 Feb 2014

A. A. W.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

We exist but not living.

We see but not watch
We hear but not listen
We exist but not living


Let's make this fleeting moment last forever
So, tell me what you're waiting for?
I'm gonna keep it frozen here forever,
There's no regretting anymore.
It's worth the wait, even so far away.
I'm making the night mine until the day I die
No lights to brake when you're hanging by fate
You know what it feels like when you're dancing blind
All alone, just the beat inside my soul
Take me home, where my dreams are made of gold
In the zone where the beat is un-controlled.
I know what it feels like
Come on make me feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive alive alive alive

Meet me under shining lights,
I've been waiting right here all my life
Feelings you can't deny that you're living, open up your eyes
And I just wanna sink into your crazy laughter
Come on make me feel until the pain don't matter
Every second here makes my heart beat faster
Finally think I found what I'm chasing after.
All alone, just the beat inside my soul
Take me home, where my dreams are made of gold
In the zone where the beat is un-controlled.
I know what it feels like
Come on make me feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive alive alive alive

All alone, just the beat inside my soul
Take me home, where my dreams are made of gold
In the zone where the beat is un-controlled.
I know what it feels like
Come on make me feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive alive alive alive
I know what it feels like
Come on make me feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive
Feel alive, feel alive alive alive alive
Alive! Feel alive!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Bit Afraid

Hi brain, or maybe soul? Are you tired? I don’t think you are tired. May be you are bored? I know, you are born as a wanderer, imaginations and dreams are kind of drugs for you. Maybe I’m not good enough keeping your good performances. It feels like thousands years I didn’t watch news, listening good musics and new artists, following good books and films.

Feels like it’ve been thousands years I didn’t see... the world.

“I’ll breath again.”

Sometimes I feel lonely, I felt prisoned by... nothing.

“It hurts to be here...”

I don’t know who I am... I don’t know who I want to be...

“What I’m gonna do?”

I’m a bit afraid...

About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.