Friday, January 30, 2015

God, Please Hire Me

They say, I have potential to be a workaholic. But they also say I’m a woman. I wish God hire me as a Mom and a wife… and I wish I can be a good one. Woman can work like a man, but being a good mom and a good wife… not everybody meet the requirements.
Some people need a career. But, some career need a certain people.
Being a working mom or being a full-time mom? Both are wonderful.
Some decision is hard to choose. So, always be nice to women.
How about, being a wife or live independently? Some woman can live independently. They can make money. They can make meal. They can do the housekeeping. And, they can control their desire. But if there’s someone who was created special for you… just like a pair of shoes… wouldn’t it be nice? Wouldn’t you feel whole?
Sometimes it isn’t as simple as “a pair of shoes”…
But… God, please hire me… hire me as a mom... hire me as a wife... I believe in you… don’t let me doubt myself. Because doubt is harmful, doubt try to make me lose hope while you always give us hope, doubt is devil’s weapon. If one day I feel doubt… I wish, I would always seek your help through patience and pray*.
With love,

والله أعلمُ بالـصـواب
*Al-Baqarah (2:45)

Monday, January 26, 2015

My Dress Style

Safe and sophisticated. Your style is fully functional and adapts to different areas of your life. People don’t really see how fashionable you are unless it is a special occasion. On all other occasions, you wear the same old things and don’t draw attention to yourself, which makes those other times even more head-turning. Well-played.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

LINE Characters

List of LINE Characters' Name Complete.
Daftar Nama-nama Karakter di LINE lengkap.

1. Brown

The Bear. Si Beruang.

2. Cony

The Rabbit. Si Kelinci.

3. Moon 

Round-headed just like full moon. Kepalanya bulat seperti bulan purnama.

4. James

The Long-haired Man. Si Laki-laki Gondrong.

5. Sally

The Duck? Chicken? Female? Male? Alien? Dunno. Bebek? Ayam? Betina? Jantan? Alien? Entahlah.
*From LINE's Twitter and YouTube, Sally is a Chick.

6. Boss 

The Anonymous Boss. Si Atasan Tanpa Nama.

7. Jessica

The Cat. Si Kucing.

8. Edward

The Worm. Si Ulat.

9. Leonard

The Frog. Si Katak.

10. Choco

Brown's little fashionista sister. Si Beruang Fashionista, Adik Brown.


Tag: tokoh line karakter figur line characters character name line stickers sticker figure introduction

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Soft Voice


Yap! Soyou <3

Pokoknya lagi suka sama Soyou gitu deh ueee... suaranya lembut bikin hari-hari lebih indah *lebay*

About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.