Saturday, May 29, 2021

The fall down of Corruption Perceptions Index and let's talk about tax...

Tax payer got amnesty 

Corruption Eradication Commission investigator who investigate social aid corruption and during pandemic got laid off, not bonus 😊

It's a sad reality, anyway, we should appreciate the right people more, and sanction the criminal right... We should favor the truth more not the rich over the poor

Don't forget in the middle class 4 million people in threatening condition to fall below poverty line from higher added value tax soon... Just after hard economic/financial crisis hit... Just after I said in Dubai there's no tax so people are rich and could afford pricy things, like super car, and what they do? No tax and collecting zakah potential? Ofc no. Support the "satanic" autoindustry sector, give special tax cut, while they themselves can see in front of their two eyes traffic jam is everywhere. Still. And pollution is still high, why don't they can't just bettering the public transportation? Selamat para pemimpin rakyatnya makmur terjamin ❤️

Where all the dead car, from that tax discount in the front or first installment go? Where all the autoindustry waste go? What if all of the people who buy those car actually can't really have the ability to pay annual taxes (where some of it go to environmental cause) and maintenance cost? And they're all just end up in the final dump soon... While actually we're still struggling with our trash management... The nature hurts. Imagine if nature really fight back and give us corona then we suffocate it more. How evil? I'm forever living with my anxiety 🃏

Think about it... Some things are better left expensive... But I love discount too not gonna lie

Parah banget ya ini?
"Kaya kumpeni jg ni" kata Bokap gua
"Iya ya, mending kalo natural reserve kaya gas gtu dikasih pajak msh berhak negara, ini mah kaya preman malak"
"Ya boleh bisa, atau kayu kayu dijual mahal tuh lalu diberi pajak, msh pantes lah negara dpt bagian... Kan banyak tuh pengusaha gak ikut nanem nebang doang"
Wakil presiden RI jg udh kritik lebih banyak mudharatnya apalagi krisis

Ini jg lagi rame, masalah yg kita hadapi: Korupsi

Oh iya btw maaf ya kalo aku gak begitu aktif di sini 💆‍♀️ aku skrg mau menyibukkan diri jd part time tiktoker aja lah ✌️😀✌️ 🤙🙎‍♂️🤙ayo boleh ya kalo ada adeknya mau ngajak aku

Sekolah mau kena PPN tuh gmn?
Yg kaya gini mau dipajakin lg?
Bknnya dibenahin ya hrsnya?

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.