Sunday, August 30, 2020

If You're Interested in Islam and Berhijab

Read this

If you're interested in Islam



I actually make this writing
For Yerin's comment section on YouTube:

If you're interested in Islam...

Besides Qur'an, sirah nabawiyah (stories of the prophets) is also a great way to learn Islam... If you already read the story of Prophet Muhammad then reading Qur'an... In me, I feel like I time travel when reading Qur'an, listening to Nabi Muhammad story telling many things...

Nabi Muhammad live in a really bad era and reform the community

The Qur'an also sent step by step to the ummah

From dawah about tauhid (oneness of God) first... to sholat (pray), akhlak (good character), etc... The easiest first, it's realistic and simple...

Even drink is prohibited step by step in the community not directly (Allah knows it's not easy). I ever watch a YouTube video telling us a story about a muslim who being stopped going to war because He can't stop being drunk. So, basically drunk muslim exist too though it isn't islamic, but you can't stop someone from being a muslim, no muslim is perfect thou.

Riba also prohibited step by step too...

How the community treat women also reformed step by step too...

Please keep fighting Yerin! All of Prophet's Sahabah or best friends are all reverts... I also think If we force ourselves 180º it won't be long lasting...

Building good habit bit by bit. Bismillahirahmanirahim.

This article about muslim parenting is also great and motivated me a lot as a muslim (I'm parenting my ownself 😂) I became more Islamic recently... feels like a revert/new muslim too sometimes, thou I already muslim and raised as a muslim... I learn a lot from your videos too. Alhamdulillah.


But I decide to revise
And post it here:

If you're interested in Islam...

Besides Qur'an, sirah nabawiyah (stories of the prophets) is also a great way to learn Islam... If you already read the story of Prophet Muhammad then reading Qur'an... In me, I feel like I time travel when reading Qur'an, listening to Nabi Muhammad story telling many things...

Nabi Muhammad live in a really bad era and reform the community

The Qur'an also sent step by step to the ummah

From dawah about tauhid (oneness of God) first... to sholat (pray), akhlak (good character), etc... The easiest first, it's realistic and simple...

Even drink is prohibited step by step in the community not directly (Allah knows it's not easy). I ever watch a YouTube video telling us a story about a muslim who being stopped going to war because he can't stop being drunk. So, basically drunk muslim exist too though it isn't islamic, but you can't stop someone from being a muslim, no muslim is perfect thou.

Riba also prohibited step by step too...

How the community treat women also reformed step by step too...

Please keep fighting!

An impactful tweet I read years ago: All of Prophet's Sahabah or best friends are all reverts...

I also think If we force ourselves 180º it won't be long lasting...

Building good habit bit by bit. Bismillahirahmanirahim.

("Islam datang untuk menyempurnakan akhlak." Yang sudah baik dilanjutkan. Yang kurang baik dibenahi pelan-pelan. Karena dari berubah yg pelan-pelan itu biasanya yang kedepannya akan lebih langgeng atau long-lasting, perubahan yang tiba2... selain membahayakan takutnya hanya sementara.)

This article about muslim parenting is also great and motivated me a lot as a muslim (I'm parenting my ownself 😂) I'm still not perfect and always pray in time like Saudis, Saudis aren't perfect too in practicing many islamic teachings, they should avoid many big sins (but I acknowledge they're good in praying on time), in a world full of sinners who are we to judge others thou but we're all should always pray to Allah and try our best

("Janganlah membesarkan anakmu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan finansialmu. Besarkanlah mereka untuk menyembah/beribadah kepada Allah dan rejeki akan selalu datang.")

We're all in our own journey. I became more Islamic recently... feels like a revert/new muslim too sometimes, although I already a muslim and raised as a muslim... But I'm still learning too. And I learn a lot from many of you too. Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal. 🌸

Wearing hijab is also a process. I have a friend from a really islamic/religious family, she's really pretty, already on tahfidz level. Her name is Meida, we have two Meida in my class in college. Both of them already on tahfidz level Meida Maya and Meida Yuli... One from Lampung another one from Cilacap. Meida Maya wear hijab and fully covered till her feet's thumb covered too, one time I'm being her roommate she's that kind of girl who don't sleep at all after fajr masyaAllah and recite may be al-ma'surat and she's not that kind of religious annoying preachy friend at all. But if her hand covering or we call it manset shifting and we tell her she's easily said astaghfirullah then thank you. As long as till today my experience being a hijabi, leaving sins is somehow like covering awrah, if we getting used to being covered a little shift could be really shameful... same as sinning and the sensitivity of us. Meida Yuli teaching tahsin too and I once ask her whether she want to teach me or not if I really quit from my learning group in mosque 😅 and she gladly welcoming me so kind masyaAllah. She's also pretty but not really social butterfly kind of friend in class she's kinda quite too bcs she's sick and absent for so long, take some classes in another year. Tbh, Meida Maya or Memey is everybody's crush including me.
Me and my friends used to call our prettiest one in every year class "Bidadari Eksyar" she's like our 49 or 2012 bidadari.


MasyaAllah 😂😍

If I got Lampung accent like "kek mana geh", blame her 😂😂😂

Also, once Umi Pipik tell she wear niqab after getting asked for photos a lot in umra/hajj

Kadang yaaa biar cepet aja

Start/focus on what we can control, right?

Bit by bit and day by day in such a special lovely way don't know why or how to say but I shall try to if I may~


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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.