Monday, January 16, 2023

Tutup Twt & Mengejar Belajar Bahasa Arab

Hi guys. Aku nggak lagi buka akun aku yang buat olshop ya
tadinya mau jamal aja tiap jam 11-3 (tengah malam) aja ditutup digembok (biar kalian nggak sibuk ngurusin hidup gua trs dan sibuk sama urusan kalian sendiri jg wkwk nggak deng canda biar fans-ku istirahat aja), atau tiap sore aja online dan dibuka, atau tiap Jum'at atau weekend aja dibuka sama buat CS aja, tapi udah dibuka trs, nggak dijawab-jawab juga nyari dokter hewan

Ya udah ditutup aja. Kebetulan itu juga daftarnya pakai SIM card yg dikit-dikit mau habis masa berlakunya kalau mau recovery password nanti ribet, padahal dlu mah e-mail aja cukup ya, ribet nih twt skrg elah, padahal mah aku jg nggak akan pakai email, telepon, atau password kalau bisa mah, kalau nggak perlu, orang itu juga cuma buat yang penting-penting aja daftar kuliah, berbagi info... Udah.

Dah ya kalau mau ketemu, aku di rumah aja, sekarang paling

Kalau ada yg kurang jelas atau mau ditanyakan silahkan DM atau e-mail sesegera selama aku masih aktif ngecek, siapa tahu akunku hilang, kalau ada yang masih ganjel, masalah yang belum selesai juga, soalnya udah banyak temenku yang hidup tanpa sosmed dan tidak apa-apa. Kalau nggak ada yg mau ditanyakan juga nggak papah cuma mau mastiin aja kalau kalian benar-benar paham atau tau kalau aku udah nggak pernah baca atau dead-scroll lagi. Nggak main internet dan online terus-terusan lagi. Ya udah gitu aja. Nggak bilang internet cuma berdampak buruk pokoknya menurut aku apapun yg bikin ketagihan itu nggak baik aja, jadi aku udah clean nggak ketergantungan skrg, kembali ke gaya hidup sehat insyaAllah.

Intinya, aku nggak jualan dlu lagi ya, nggak begitu menerima tanya jawab di twt lagi jg, kayanya udah semua deh dikasihtau yg emang harus tau, kalau belum berarti belum siap atau belum memenuhi prasyarat atau cari aja di luar sana aku sebar di forum-forum lain yg emang cocok dan pantas sikon, waktu, dan tempatnya, harus nyari ilmu lagi dulu jg, udah habis-habisan hoho jgn lelah katanya dalam lamanya menghafal al-Qur'an dan jgn sampai lepas jgn jauh-jauh karena lebih mudah lepas dibanding unta dalam ikatan, sedangkan kalau belajar jualan waktu aku kadang habis mikirin hal-hal gak penting sampai lupa waktu ya udah gitu aja, mau ngejar belajar Bahasa Arab jg

Other than for olshop
It was intended for promotional account too and keputrian (?) account... Apa keputrian Bahasa Inggrisnya? Ukhti/sisters account...
I create it without email but a new phone number only, but sadly it's about to expired every single damn time, and I'm exhausted

I offer free and paid translation services too
Advertising and/or business promotion like I said
I even offer private (Qur'anic) lessons for children though I already a bit traumatized because it's tiring and only pay a little sometimes the cost is higher for transportation, eat, creative work, etc moreover emotionally and mentally exhausting both the students and/or the wali (guardian)
I talked about female needs too if you were about to get married
Reproductive system and struggles for bee and plants
Many, it's just a lot more wider day by day from only female only safe space matters without disclosure (your privacy save with me insyaAllah I won't ask unrelated details and I don't want to bother my friends too I was told noisy before so I make new accounts just to answer certain things) and business to my current reading, adhkar, job seeking, etc too

If there's unfinished business please directly contact me ASAP before I'm totally inactive, may be, dunno

Or you could buy my goods or order my services, so I can continue learning Arabic online while you learn Qur'an too a bit

Some are free, just commitment pledge or fee or deposit anything suits our plan and capability whichever will be according to mutual agreement

So we can learn and teach Qur'an routinely and intensely no need to keep starting from the beginning every single time 

Or you could always help me give your best infaq per meeting

So I can give more to all the less unfortunate too
I'm not open for teaching private for male
Or just marry me* or adopt me if you want to meet me everytime thanks stop bothering me if you have no business with me

Every bit of your support really matter
Please note I'm not really an expert in teaching Qur'an, but I'm really passionate in it, it's encouraged too in the Qur'an the best among you those who learn and teach Qur'an
I'm gonna be honest I already can read Qur'an (lulus iqro) but I'm still on Tahsin class still learning too and still aiming for Tahfidzul Qur'an

If you think you already far ahead it's totally fine I've been to many mosques ask for a class (and being tested), may be you could too

Just keep seeking your Qur'anic teachers that's most suitable with your/our schedule and character (for example, like me, I can't learn if the teacher fierce and always angry I would be stressed out and can't really absorb anything 😅)

Again, I could help children and sisters only I think

Note: please don't forget if you're parents you're responsible too for your children's (deen and Qur'anic) education not only on the teacher's responsibility it'll go in vain if you don't guard their environment at home, playground, and/or school etc


TLDR: Hi guys, I'm tired and overwhelmed maintaining my accounts, I'm still working from home if you need me just poke/greet me but I would be less online, if you want to read my food journal and my Qur'anic today-I-learned you still can but just a lot less frequent I need to chase my own lessons too I'm also responsible with myself and my teachers' time and efforts thanks

*I close my Twitter and this time I close all trials and routes to zina insyaAllah, may Allah make it easy for us to find our rizq through the halal means or paths, and close all the haram and protect us from the haram
Making female only account still not enough for me, for my peace of mind

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.