Thursday, December 4, 2014

Future Hopes

I finished watching Reply 1997 yesterday.

I love this drama, this drama surely make us recall our memories. It's also touching. One of my favorite episode is the 7th episode. It's about our hopes and dreams.

The story take place in a high school. In the last grade, when the students have to tell their teacher how their future will be... and their teacher will recommend the best career or college for them...

Tae Woong (Teacher):
When we're talking about future dreams that eventually means what you will do for a living.
You will become an adult soon, but if you waste time and money for an empty dream, then who would take responsibility for that?
That's why people need to be satisfied by the dreams which are near you.
Even if you covet some far-away dreams, it just makes you upset and sad.
A passion without answers...that's only heartbreaking.
That's why people say the stupidest thing in the world is  an unrequited love.
Rather than meeting someone I like, if you meet a person who likes you, you wouldn't have to be heartbroken, or waste your time.
Rather than doing what you want to do, let's try to find something you'll be able to do.
You have only one life, right?
But, the reason that stupid one-sided love is worth trying is... 
...that passion can sometimes make miracles happen...
...sometimes go the long way around to help you fulfill a dream...
...and even if it doesn't allow you to realize that dream, it allows you to linger near it...
and find happiness.

This drama is worth watching :')


#: choose college, memilih kuliah, menentukan karir, career path, dreams, hopes, future

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.