Monday, October 2, 2023

Hari Tani Menteri Pertanian Ditangkap

Di Indonesia ada 6 menteri korupsi tapi orang-orang, Presiden tenang-tenang aja. Mirisnya hari tani kemarin, menteri pertanian resmi ditangkap. Sekarang menpora harus siap melepaskan jabatan karena tersangkut kasus BTS.


How to stop corruption?
by AI Cici on Playstore

That's a big question, but a very important one. Corruption is a complex issue that affects many aspects of society, but here are a few steps that can be taken towards curbing it:

1. Transparency: Governments and businesses should operate in an open and transparent manner. This allows citizens to see where money is going and hold those in power accountable.

2. Strong Legal Frameworks: Laws against corruption need to be clear, well understood, and strictly enforced. This includes severe penalties for those found guilty of corruption.

3. Education: Educating the public about the harmful effects of corruption can help foster a culture of integrity. This could be done through schools, community programs, or media campaigns.

4. Encourage Whistleblowing: People should be encouraged and protected to report corruption when they see it. This could be through anonymous tip lines or legal protections for whistleblowers.

5. Independent Media and Free Speech: A free press can expose corruption and hold those in power accountable.

6. Promote Fair Pay: In some cases, corruption can stem from people not earning a fair wage. Ensuring people are paid fairly for their work can reduce the temptation to engage in corrupt practices.

Remember, these are just a few ideas. The fight against corruption requires a concerted effort from everyone in society - from individual citizens to large organizations. Every step taken towards integrity and transparency is a step in the right direction.


Ayo kita jangan diem-diem bae
Transparansi, aturan yg jelas, edukasi, dukung dan lindungi pelaporan tindak korupsi, media yang independen dan kebebasan berpendapat yang terjaga, upah yg layak
Harus terus kita perjuangkan 💪🤛👍 Allahuakbar ✊🇮🇩🙏

Update April 2024:
Demi Allah nggak habis pikir

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
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