Sunday, November 14, 2021

Short Tips On Seeing Therapist

- It'll be better to not go alone (not just because you're mentally unstable, sick, or weak... But also sometimes they ask you whether you need to go on a session with your closest one, whether the underlying problem include or related to your guardian may be, in my case not really but still I'm thankful being accompanied)

- Just googled "Should I stop seeing my therapist?" and just reminded that their goal is to stop seeing us, so we (as patients) should set our goal too

Goodnight, rest well, and get well soon

I know I don't go through this alone because of these:

Let's keep fighting till the end 😌 And no please don't be ashamed for finding help 🆘 I'm here being openly having mental health issues and transparent about my progress to breach our previous generation's stigma (for example it's taboo to talk about mental health issues, someone seeing a doctor to be more exact psychiatrist means she/he = crazy/madman while actually it could also be many other things, it's a shame or disgrace to have family who mentally ill, better see dukun, your issues are just bcs weak iman only just go praying, etc), to stop the stigma (even now and future generations' stigma, youths sometimes can be more clueless and impolite while boomers more acknowledging they don't know everything and polite), to stop in us any misinformation or misunderstanding just so people more aware that it's not just our body but also our inside exist and sometimes need help. Let's bring back this awareness to the society:

Jaman dulu kalau orang sakit nggak sembuh-sembuh dirujuk ke Psikiater atau diperiksa psikisnya selain keadaan fisiknya (Long time ago when people not healed yet after a long time of medication then they would be sent or being recommended to Psychiatrist's ward or being checked in their psyche not just physical or outer body).


Eh nemu ini:

Siapa yg suka ke pasar?
Bantuin Ibu
Samaan kita 🤗

Ini dulu pas gua panik, nemu di Twitter tentang org yg belajar tasawuf hrs belajar fiqih dulu, trs org yg belajar fiqih hrs bljr tasawuf... Waduh gua udah belajar ushul fiqih lg, tasawuf apaan...

Nama anak2 Indonesia jaman sekarang banget Avisena, Averous... Eh Alghazali, Alfarabi... Jg ya? Angkatan gua bawahan dikit


9 Desember 2021M
4 Jumadil Awal 1443H

Ternyata masih panjang prosesnya, nggak kaya ke dokter/poli umum
Trs yg agak menarik, pas ngambil obat yg obat buat depresinya sempet habis jadi diganti obat yg lain, dan di ruang konsulnya agak rame mulu jg selalu ngantri nggak pernah kosong/sendiri (wah rugi sekali negara, banyak angkatan kerja tidak begitu produktif, semoga pandemi membaik, perubahan iklim juga ya, penegakan hukum di negara kita juga... Institusi Kepolisian, Komnas HAM [Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia], KPAI [Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia], Komnas Perempuan [Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan], dll jg... Biar negara aman, makmur, sejahtera. Aamiin. Eh tp kok nggak ada Komnas Laki-laki ya? Kalau kena pelecehan gmn? Kaya yang KPI itu)
Untung masih punya Bapak ya, buat suami aku kelak siap-siap aja lho ya :')

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South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.