Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Masalah Internetan

Sebenernya saya juga kurang ngerti yang error gadget saya atau koneksi internetnya... intinya kalo buat download dan liat-liat (surfing) masih baik dan cukup tangguh lah hehehe. Walau tetep aja kadang-kadang suka aneh. Tapi yang utama itu buat komen... whatsapp... upload foto! (tumblr, facebook, gmail, instagram dll) dan bahkan pas mau bikin new post di blog ini aja suka ada gangguan.

Nggak enak deh. Jadi ya sudahlah tertanda hari ini saya akan meminimalisir kegiatan mengakses dunia maya saya. Jadi (lagi) mohon maaf kalo respon saya rada-rada lama ya... (contoh: lama bales tweet).

Terimakasih atas pengertiannya. Wassalam.
See you in the real world :p

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogspot Problems - Bad Day on Blogspot

#1 - I can't comment a post

Oh! COME ON I'm not a robot and I can prove it... You just won't let me

So, its a normal blog surfing time... then, I wanted to comment a post but when I clicked publish... CAPTCHA appeared and.. the following box--where usually we must write characters we saw on it--won't appear!!!

#2 - I was rejected

Y U NO Tell me earlier?

#3 - hates me

Ok! Whatsoeveeeeeer! I want to write a new post. So shut up and don't bothering me repeatedly!

So, when I'm on my way to write this post.. that dialogue box keep bothering me! Even if I click on "Yes, I want to log in again" or "Close" Urgh... they're still appearing...............................
Kepo bgt si! You really don't have to know where on earth am I, okay?!

Mood: Bad


About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.