Monday, December 19, 2011

Foster The People!!

Sara Bareilles? I've told you here, Two Door Cinema? I've told you too... I think this blog getting closer to be a music blog ahaha.

Nows the time for FOSTER THE PEOPLE to be here! (Yeaaaah!)
Well, first of all thanks for Windi, because of your poison my friend, you succeed! to make me fall in love with Foster the people. I already love this band actually, not because of you (just make it clear) but my want to explore this band? that's because of your support ahaha "Ruuuum, already watch the MV?" you keep remembering me till now. So, this is me now promote Foster The People haha.
Cover album from

1st Chapter
The First Time I Knew:
is from The Radio
Once, I was listening
Pumped Up Kicks

Powered by
"Um, what-is-this? It's kinda weird"
I said that, but I didn't change the tune.. Didn't turn the radio off ahaha
Next time I heard it on the radio
"Yeah, it's unique.."
"It's something!"
"Ok! I really need to know whose the musician behind this song."
So I'm surfing, watching youtube, talk much with my friend about foster the people... Then I start to realize, I like their creativity, as an artist. They style and movement when the music on. I like how they look comfortable with their work, how they look alike they really do their songs with heart. Yeah they love what they do.

 This is the first foster the people's MV that I watched from youtube, first comment from my mouth is..
If I have not forgotten is: Cool

2nd Chapter
You can affected by a work if its similar with anything about you:
This is the work that I mean...

Do you recognize words, in the beginning of the video? Those are:
Nah lho! I just talk about it with my mom, Mom what happened with me I really don't like do anythiiing... I do nothing, everytime. And she said fill it with pray to God.

We must watched out with our idle minds, it can be our chance to think creatively, or devil's chance to tempt us. Ya Allah, help me keep myself in the straight way. On the straight and right way.

But I affected by the lyrics.... They really descriptively tell what I feel
Yeah we're locked up in ideas
We like to label everything
Well I'm just gonna do here what I gotta do here
'Cause I gotta keep myself free

3rd Chapter
Then, my journey begin "Explore Foster The People"...:

If you want to see all of their music video till Dec 19, 2011... WOW! You are on the definitely right way... keep read my post, I embed their music videos in this post. ENJOOOY!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reblogged - Einsten's Words

The Climb

I can almost see it
Gue hampir bisa ngeliatnya

That dream I'm dreaming
Mimpi itu, mimpi yang selalu gue mimpi-mimpikan

But, There's a voice inside my head sayin..
Tapi, selalu ada juga suara dikepala gue yang bilang..

You'll never reach it
Loe ga bakal bisa gapai itu mel

Every move I make feels, Every move I'm taking
Jadinya semua langkah yang gue rasain, semua langkah yang gue ambil

Lost with no direction
Ilang, rasanya tersesat tanpa tujuan

Just gotta keep going
Cuman tetep jalanin aja.. sekedar ngejalanin..

But, I'm... I'm gonna keep trying
Tapi, gue... Gue harus tetep nyoba

Gonna keep my head held high
Tetep harus jaga kepala gue terangkat tinggi---tetep tegar!

Cause, There's always gonna be another mountain
Karena, pasti bakal selalu ada lagi dan lagi halangan

I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Gue harus nyingkirin halangan itu, gue pengen nyingkirin halangan itu

Always gonna be an uphill battle
Bakal selalu ada pertarungan sengit

Somebody gonna have to lose
Seseorang akan.. harus kalah

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ini semua bukan tentang seberapa cepat kita kesana..

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
Bukan tentang apa yang bakal kita hadapi nantinya, (emang nanti gue bisa? emang nanti gue bertahan? Bukan tentang itu)

It's the climb!
Ini tentang pendakian kita

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Tetep gerak (move on! nggak stuck!) Tetep ngedaki, jalaaan terus

Keep the faith keep the faith
Tetap yakin

Keep your faith! Whoa
Tetap jaga keyakinanmu, kepercayaanmu

The Climb by Miley Cyrus

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Gua makin sering sebel sama orang. Gimana si biar jadi orang sabar luar dalem?
Ya ampun gua tuh ga sabarannya dahsyat banget deh makin hari. Nih UAS aja gua bosen! UAS cuy! Ujian Akhir Semester, gue nggak ngerti apa-apa dan bukannya niat mati-matian belajar malah bosen?! Malah Update Blog? Gila gila.

Gue bingung, gimana caranya jadi optimis bisa punya tujuan. bisa ini itu. bisa semangat hfffttttttttttttttttttt

About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.