Monday, November 29, 2010

Dear Blog,

I want to talk about my test/exam at school. Why? because I really hate the schedule of that exam. I cannot just think about it, and be quiet, I must share it to make me feel better. Yay!

I hate that schedule because:
1) The science classes of 11th grade, must do the test first (in the earlier morning: 7 am) before the social classes. [Hey! I need more time to ask about many science formula to my friends at school! I'm not as smart as the others! And may be, someone from social classes, who have brillant memory in somewhere can do their test better in early morning... may be.. may be.. better than me]

2) On tuesday, the schedule for science classes are Biology and History! Whew! [hey stupid amel, if you didn't remember, i'll remind you, TOMORROW IS TUESDAY! Why don't you study???]

3) On friday, english.. [Just one subject!!!!! OH MY........ after that day, as you know: weekend! I think, it will be better if the english exam were replaced by history or biology?! Right? Well, I don't really know which one is the best. It just my opinion.]

Once again, that's all just my opinion. If you disagree, it's okay. If I make any mistake, I'm sorry. Thank you so much for read it.

Share by me,

Arum Amel

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Usually I Do When "Stuck"?

Warning: Get ready to confuse okay? because i'm not a great writer. And my english ability is so bad.


I start write it. (at 08.00 PM)

Now, I just don't know what must I share to you about me...

I shouldn't write a post now. May be, I better study for UAS (test for student periodicly, that can make me stress! or may be frustrate before start this war).

But I can't! I won't! I don't like to touch any schoolbook now. It is just like children who must eat vegetable.

Soooo in many momment like this, momment that I really want this time to stop, and tomorrow is come late because of anything. I choose to do something that can make me drift/wander/or um.. um... I don't know {terhanyut bahasa inggrisnya apaan si?}.

Yeaaaaaaah! This is it! I got the topic!

_And The Post Iiiiiiisss.._

What Usually I Do? To Spend Anxious/Hesitate/Worried/Confusing Time? Or Momment Like I Already Storied Above?!
{Waktu galau lah maksudnya, bimbang, gundah gulana.. ya pokoknya saat-saat seperti yang udah saya ceritakan diatas lah}

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Teenage Dream - Glee Cast

I know this song originaly was sang by Katy Perry.. But, I don't know why, I really like this version too.. May be it's because my cousin (hey mba rosa! hehehe)

My cousin said, they (boys at the video) are gay... but just in the GLEE story. I don't know the  truth. They are handsome right? Especially, the boy who sing a song. ^.^

About Me

My photo
South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Do you know, how many stars in the sky? Do you know how many flowers in this universe? I don't know. But alone, or together they are awesome. I want to be like them.